Transportable Kitchen 14.4m x 3.3m, 60 Person Kitchen

14.4m x 3.3m Transportable Kitchen is suitable for upto 60 persons and is complete with cool room, freezers, full kitchen preparation area with equipment. The Kitchen is situated in Perth. There is an option to buy out right.
The kitchen comes with:
1. Houno Oven
2. Stainless Steel Bench
3. Nelson Electrazap
4. Stainless Steel Sink
5. Eswald Dishwasher
6. Stainless Steel Shelves
7. Buffalo Trident Twin Fans
8. Cool Room
9. Pro Flo Hot Water System
10. Air Curtain TECO
11. 128L Bar Fridge
13. TECO LA1800Y
14. Fire Blanket
15. WAE350 4E Exhaust
16. Emergency Sign
17. Honey Comb Grease Filters
18. Exhaust Fan
19. Goldstein Griddle
20. Commercial Microwave
21. Vent Hood
22. Goldstein Cooker
23. Dishwasher
24. Outdoor Hotwater System
25. Air Curtain
Transportable Kitchen, Portable Building 14.4m x 3.3m

Click on below images for larger size

Please note:
All second-hand and refurbished buildings are dependent on building being available at time of order.
For further information please contact us
Ascention Assets
Phone: 0892672343